Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Revelation of the day

I have been trying to read through the bible since January. I am on a read the bible in one year plan. I read 1 chapter in the Old, 1 in the New, 1 Psalm and 1 Proverb. However, I must admit that I have slacked off lately...a lot. This week I have started a new work out plan to get fit by the time I go on my cruise in August. Some say I may have started too early, but I don't want to kill myself all summer. So I am going slow and starting early. With this new workout plan it made me aware of another plan I was failing bible plan. So this morning I sat back and read 3 days worth to get caught up. I am going to do that until I am on track where I should be. You may be asking where the revelation came wasn't in realizing that I wasn't reading the bible anymore it came from what I read this morning.

I picked up in Exodus chapter 24. I will give you a brief synopsis, Moses goes up the mountain to meet with the Lord and has talked to the people and they all agree to do everything the Lord has commanded.  The next day Moses builds an altar for the Lord. Moses sacrifices bulls as a peace offering. This is the gross part...Moses drains half the blood from the bulls and splatters that on the altar. Moses again goes to the people and reads from the Book of the Covenant and again the people agree to do everything the Lord commanded. Then Moses takes the other half of the blood he drained and splatters it out in the crowd of people telling them the blood is the sign of the covenant with the Lord that they will follow his instructions.

So after I read that and called Jenna to tell her what I read and email Bo to tell him what I read I had a revelation. I am so very thankful that God sent his Son to die on a cross and have HIS blood shed for me and for the sins of the people on earth. How lucky we are that we don't have to sacrifice animals on the altar.  God provided a way for us to be forgiven and live with Him in paradise. He sent his only son to die for us. I know we hear that all the time and it is powerful, but after reading what Moses did as a sign of the promise to God, it made it 10 times more powerful to me. To know that all I have to do is believe, repent accept and chose to follow after Him everyday...that seems like I am getting off so easy compared to Jesus. But, then again he knew from the very beginning of time what the plan would be. It is God's perfect plan and for that I am so thankful for the love that God gives us and the love that Jesus showed by dying on the cross for us.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

He made me to be me

Last night I went with my good friends Amanda and Nancy to Zumba. After Zumba the instructor leads a short devotional. I must admit after sweating for an hour the last thing on my mind was a devotional...but I am really glad I stayed. She talked about a blog she follows and she shared what that lady wrote. It was all about showing God's love to everyone, everyday in every situation. And, that no matter how other people show his love or share his Word, we are all different.

It made me stop to think about myself for...well...the rest of the night. I realized something from that devotional that I didn't even want to go to. I realized that no matter what is going on Jesus told us to show his love to others. That means that on my worst day, and I do have bad days, I am supposed to show God's love. Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 2:8 "8 so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well" To me that says that we are not only to share the Word with others, we are to literally share our lives. To make friends. to let others into our lives and know us personally. We are to have a relationship with others. Otherwise how can we share the gospel with them? We are to fellowship with one another. The poor, the rich, children, doesn't matter. Am I forming relationships? Am I allowing brothers and sisters to know me? I like to think I am, but then, there are days I don't feel like opening up and allowing people into my life. However, I look back over the last few years and think about how much my life has changed because of the people I have let into my life. I am better today because of the people that lift me up and help carry me not only in times of darkness but in the light as well. The love me for who I am and encourage me to be better. That leads me to the next thing I realized last night and this morning.

She talked last night during the devotional about how unique we all are. how we are all made different. I left feeling a sense of sadness. So often I do a bible study and walk away thinking, "Man that women is amazing I want to be just like her!" But, last night it hit me...I don't need to be like Beth Moore or Ann Graham Lotz or a writer like Francine Rivers. I don't even need to be like Dave Ramsey when it comes to money smarts. God made me unique and one of a kind. They are incredible individuals in their own right, and I certainly can learn a lot from them, but why strive to be like them? I am carefree, loving and fiercely in love with God. Isn't that enough? I love the woman He has made me. I search his word for the answers. I turn to Him for guidance and assurance and I praise for the struggles....because they only make me rely more on His grace and mercy. Proverbs 8:17 says, "I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." Stop and think about that...are you in love with God? Are you passionate about His Word?

 I don't need to be anyone else. I am who the great I AM made me to be. He loves me for who I am and now my one challenge is to live up and grow into the woman He wants me to be! I am worthy of His love. And, I challenge myself to show that love everyday, in every situation no matter my mood.